For me, there’s no more important work to be done, than a business having a clearly articulated ‘Why?’ Statement as well as, Values and Behaviours. Without this, your people initiatives don’t have an anchor and I’m not sure how your team can feel aligned with where you’re headed. But don’t take my word for it, I think Gallup says it well here: Company Purpose
So… welcome to the first of a three-part series on why (and how) to have a why?, Values and Behaviours.
Part ONE: Why?
This Simon Sinek talk is an oldie, but definitely, a goodie when it comes to the Why, What and How in a business and in my opinion, does an excellent job explaining why this work is so important: How Great Leaders inspire action
There are a couple of different models I use for completing this work, depending on the business, its maturity, the culture and current challenges or strategy. All approaches are ground in Design Thinking or Human Centred Design, which I’ve found gets the best results, quickly in this space.
If you haven’t heard of Design Thinking or used it before, here’s a quick 101 from Harvard Business School: What is Design Thinking?
Design thinking differs from other innovation and ideation processes in that it’s solution-based and user-centric rather than problem-based. This means it focuses on the solution to a problem instead of the problem itself. It is also what helps us get great results within the space of a full-day face-to-face workshop.
Hopefully, at this stage, you’re sold, so stay tuned for Part Two and Three of this series and let’s explore further…